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    For just the second time in the history of the British Open, the tournament will be played outside of England and Scotland, returning to Royal Portrush in Northern Ireland for the first time since 1951. «Local» favorite Rory McIlroy owns the course record of 61, a score he totaled when he was just 16 years old. Where is the betting value? Will the favorites prevail? Our golf and betting experts break down the field for the last major of the year. 2022 Presidents Cup Odds, Picks & Best Bets To Back How Digital Tech and AI Could Change Golf Course Design Fantasy Golf Picks, Odds, and Predictions for the 2023 Waste Management Phoenix Open   Across the 37 years in question, the average odds of the winner was 51/1. That is skewed slightly by some huge odds, but generally speaking you would have to have had odds of significantly more than 51/1 in order for them to be considered ‘long’ when it comes to The Open. The shortest odds were those of Tiger Woods in 2000 when he was rated as a 6/4 chance of being victorious, whilst the longest were the 500/1 for Ben Curtis in 2003.
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    Partypoker’s owner company GVC (now Entain) also received a license to operate its games in Nevada in 2019. That includes a license for poker, so it seems possible partypoker will launch a site there, too. The company has, however, said that westward expansion is “not a priority,” so the wait may be long. Online poker has exploded as a way to play poker for real money on a cell phone or tablet. Poker sites now tailor their product for mobile users as well as those using the traditional poker client. Zecure Gaming Limited established Guts Poker in 2016, and they’re licensed in Malta and the UK.  Customers from NZ can sign up to play and win money in free online poker tournaments. Guts is available to play in a web browser on desktop or mobile, or through a downloadable client. Users can compete in Poker Challenges, with regular milestones, and special wheel spins unlocking free poker online rewards, including free chip balances and tournament tickets.
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    Metaverse companies are subject to various risks, including those associated with limited product lines, markets, financial resources or personnel, intense competition, potentially rapid product obsolescence, impairment of intellectual property rights, disruptions in service, cybersecurity attacks, and changes in regulation. Although the fund’s underlying index uses a rules-based proprietary index methodology that seeks to identify such companies, there is no guarantee that this methodology will be successful. In the sprawling cryptoverse, ApeMax shines brilliantly. Its unmatched features and unwavering community allegiance earmark it as a strong contender for the coveted “Next Big Cryptocurrency” title. As Ethereum and Bitcoin continue their dominant march, it’s ApeMax, with its distinct methodology, that’s grabbing eyeballs. For crypto aficionados eager to ride the upcoming wave, ApeMax is undeniably the name that resonates.

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    We’ve reached that point in the season where Pep Guardiola’s Manchester City seem an unbeatable asset, with goal-threat Erling Haaland central to their overriding prowess and that a treble is just inevitable. The Premier League title race between Arsenal and Manchester City is heating up, with both sides having some favourable fixtures between now and the end of May. Bayern Munich: Bayern Munich are the most successful German club in Champions League history with six titles to their name. Though, they have failed to showcase their brilliant Champions League form in the past few years. Bayern Munich’s last Champions League triumph came in 2020. In the 2022-23 season, the Bundesliga side reached the quarter-finals and got knocked out by Manchester City. With England’s prolific goal-scorer Harry Kane joining the side this summer, Bayern Munich are expected to emerge in a more dominant version this time.
    Thanks to his remarkable ability to defy Father Time, James should be able to chase down Abdul-Jabbar’s career scoring mark in about 150 fewer games than it took the great sky-hooking big man to originally compile it. Jordan enjoyed a higher peak as a scorer than Abdul-Jabbar, averaging more than 30 points per game for a season eight times. But the Chicago Bulls legend couldn’t match Abdul-Jabbar’s health and longevity; he suffered a foot injury that cost him most of his second season, missed nearly two seasons when he abruptly retired in 1993 and then missed three more seasons when he retired for the second time in 1998. After two forgettable seasons with the Washington Wizards, Jordan retired for the third and final time in 2003 with 32,292 points. James surpassed the then-fourth-leading scorer Michael Jordan (32,292 points) in March 2019, followed by Kobe Bryant (33,643 points) just hours before his death in January 2020 and finally, passing longtime No. 2 scorer Karl Malone (36,928 points) in March 2022. Since moving into position behind Abdul-Jabbar, it’s been a countdown to this moment.

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