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  1. Clert

    Windows are the most dreaded and time-consuming of cleaning chores but the one people notice first. Precision Exterior Wash has the skills and equipment necessary to make your windows gleam. Our safety-conscious, meticulous professionals will take care of your residential and commercial window cleaning so you don’t have to. Whether you want to have window cleaning added to your spring and fall cleaning routine or need your windows washed regularly, Precision Exterior Wash is here for you. Keep your windows glistening year-round. Accurate Powerwashing is and 5 star, Angie’s List power washing service that has serviced thousands of homes in the Madison area for over 40 years. Over time, concrete becomes dull, stained, and pitted. Having your concrete surfaces professionally cleaned will have them looking freshly installed and help prevent premature replacement. We provide impeccable concrete cleaning and sealing services to Harrisburg and the surrounding area. Once we have returned your concrete back to its former glory, we recommend having them sealed to prevent dirt, debris, water, salt, oil, and chemicals from damaging and staining your investment and extend its service life. For striking concrete cleaning and sealing, you can count on Precision Exterior Wash. http://www.cplusplus.com/user/k6zrxwh469 One role of a housekeeper is often laundry such as; washing, folding, and packing away laundry items. Other duties may involve monitoring and changing bed linen and ironing. The majority of our customers receive weekly, daily or fortnightly cleaning service, which includes cleaning of the main rooms in their homes. We can also incorporate ironing, bed changing, folding and organising clothing and laundry into your regular cleaning routine. They have been engaged to clean not only my own home on a regular basis, but to also clean various other investment properties over this time. While bi-weekly and weekly are the most popular type of recurring cleanings, a monthly cleaning service is perfect for individuals who can keep up with their own weekly maintenance cleanings. Cleaning companies will most likely stick to a preset list of pricing for their services. It’s important to know the different services, and how much they charge for house cleaning.

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  7. AnthonyFraut

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