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  1. edula

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    Unlike conventional wax-based mascaras, this one creates a «tube» on each lash, hence its name. These tubes realistically mimic the look of lashes while enhancing length and volume without flaking throughout the day. Once you’re ready to wash off your makeup, these tubes easily slide off with warm water and gentle pressure. Bella Cacciatore is the beauty associate at Glamour. Follow her on Instagram @bellacacciatore_. 20 Women Who Prove That Underarm Hair Is the Ultimate Show of Confidence Wave Goodbye to Dark Circles With These Eye Creams Wave Goodbye to Dark Circles With These Eye Creams The ultra-thick brush in this mascara tube will give you intense volume all day long. The formula has a 24-hour smudge proof finish, evenly coats each lash and adds lengthy  definition with just a few swipes.
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